Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 684

Chapter 684


At the airport, he found himself surrounded by a frenzied crowd of fans, unaware that Sabrina had been knocked over in the chaos. After disembarking from his flight, Bradley messaged her to check on her well-being, but she never mentioned the incident. It was only later, through Bettie, that he learned about Sabrinas fall and the injuries she had sustained.

Sabrina offered a reassuring smile. Im much better. Just a few bruises.

Reflecting on the incident at the airport, Bettie expressed her frustration. Those fans were out of control. Have you been able to figure out how your schedule was Leaked?

Yes, it was one of my assistants. My agent has already dealt with it.

A sense of relief washed over Bradleys face. Im just glad youre okay. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.

It wasnt your fault. You were just as much a victim as I was,

Sabrina replied.

The incident nearly caused Bradley to miss his flight.

Enough about that. Lets focus on what were going to order, Bettie interrupted.

Youre right.

After placing their orders, Aylin changed the topic. Tell me about your trip to Austrain.

Betties enthusiasm couldnt be contained as she recounted their thrilling adventures. Animatedly, she delved into their Austrain itinerary, eagerly sharing snapshots from the group chat. Aylins eyes gleamed with envy as she feasted on descriptions of vibrant corals and graceful turtles they encountered while diving.

Sensing the need for a quick refresh, Sabrina excused herself to the ladies room.

After washing her hands, she emerged from the bathroom.

Bradley stood beside the door, an air of expectancy about him.

Hearing her approach, he pivoted and called out, Sabrina.

What are you doing here? she asked, surprised.

I have something I want to tell you. Bradley gazed at Sabrina with a look of affection.

Her expression momentarily froze, but she quickly regained her composure. Lets talk at the table. We should eat before our food gets cold.

However, Bradley was determined not to let the moment pass. He held her hand and said, Sabrina, you know what Im going to say.

Waiting for Sabrina to finalize her divorce had been a challenge for Bradley. He had given her the space she needed to move on from her previous relationship, but he couldnt wait any Longer. He feared that unforeseen circumstances might arise and further delay their relationship.

